陳正甫 副教授2018-11-09T16:24:53+08:00

Project Description

陳正甫 副教授



 美國 喬治亞大學 物理 博士 
三峽國民中學 教員

徐匯中學 高中物理科 教師

Raytheon Machlet Lab Sr. Scientist

Ortho Diaynostic- Systems Sr. Scientist

EMR photoelectric Research physicist

AT&T Bell Laboratories Member of Technical Staff

行政院國家科學委員會 客座專家

中原大學 物理學系 副教授


  1. Shon-Fu Chen, Yu-Fong Tseng, Chien-Chou Chen , “Quantitative Measurement for the Saturated Modulation of Photorefractive Index Gratings in LiNbO3” , 2009 , J. Opt. Soc. Am. B , vol.26 , p.133-140. (SCI期刊)
  2. Shon-Fu Chen , Chi Shou Wu , Ching-chern Sun , “Design for a High Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer Based on Volume Holographic Gratings” , 2004 , Opt. Eng. , vol.43 , p.2028-2033. (SCI期刊)
  3. Shon-Fu Chen,Yu Chuan Liu,Yeong Jeng Huang,Ming-Tsung Chen , “A Quantitative Measurement for the Photorefractive Index Modulation of Reflection Gratings in LiNbO3” , 2004 , Opt. Comm. , vol.216 , p.351-356. (SCI期刊)
  4. Shoang C. Donn , “The Effect of Vibration on Two-Wave Mixing in a Photorefractive Crystal” , 1998 , Chin. J. Phys. , vol.36 , p.67-71.
  5. Chwen-Shell Sun,Hsiang T. Chen,Ming Chang , “Aspheric Surface Testing Using a Two-Wavelength Shack Interferometer” , 1994 , Phys. Soc. Rep. China , vol.32
  6. H. T. Chen,R. S. Meltzer , “Exciton Dynamics within an Inhomogeneously Broadened Line” , 1980 , Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol.44


  1. 梁信智,邱仁傑,陳相甫 , “鈦酸鋇晶體偏極化穿透光之尖峰現象” , 2005 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan , 2005 /12 /9 ~ 2005 /12 /10 .
  2. 曾裕峰,陳建州,陳相甫 , “光折變相位光柵飽和振幅之量測” , 2004 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan , 2006 ~ 2006 .
  3. 李昆航,陳相甫 , “新高密度多波分工器之設計” , 2004 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan , 2004 /12 /18 ~ 2004 /12 /19 .
  4. 李昆航,陳相甫 , “反射式全像術所設計之高密度多波分工器” , 2004 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan , 2006 ~ 2006 .
  5. 李昆航,陳相甫 , “新高密度多波分工器之設計” , 2004 , 中山光電研討會 , 2006 ~ 2006 .
  6. shon-Fu Chen , “The simulation and quantification of opto-optics and the future roles of poto-optics in the electro-photonics industry” , 2004 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan , 2006 ~ 2006 .
  7. Cuing-Chern Sun,Chi Shou Wu,Shon-Fu Chen , “The Comparison of Angular Selectivity for Volume Phase Hologram in Lithium Niobate using the Coupled Wave Theory and the Phase Summation Method” , 2003 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan’03 , 2003 /12 ~ 2003 /12 .
  8. Bo-Bin Chen,Shong-Hu Donn,Wei Lee , “Photorefractive dye-doped polymer/nematic composite” , 2003 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan’03 , 2003 ~ 2003 .
  9. S. Donn,C. Wu,C. Hsu,W. Su,C. Sun , “A model for diffraction analysis of volume-holographic filter” , 2003 , San Diego,California,USA,Proc.SPIE , 2003 ~ 2003 .
  10. Y. C. Chang,W. C. Chang,Shong-hu. Donn , “General Linear Solution for Kukhtarev’s Equation” , 2003 , 中華民國物理學會2003年年會 , 2003 /2 /12 ~ 2003 /2 /14 .
  11. 陳建州,曾裕峰,陳相村 , “光折變相位光柵飽和強度之測量” , 2002 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan’02 , 2002 /9 /12 ~ 2002 /9 /13 .
  12. 陳相村 , “反射式光折變相位光柵振幅之量測” , 2001 , Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01, 2000 /12 /15 ~ 2000 /12 /16 .
  13. W. C. Chang, H. S. Chang, I. W. Kuo, S. Y. Chiang, Shoang C. Donn , “A Revisit to the Band Transport Model Using the Finite Element Method to Solve Kukhtarev Equations” , 2001 , 2001物理年會 , 2001 ~ 2001 .
  14. Shang-Yen Chiang,Ming-Tsung Chen,Yeong-Jenq Huang,Shoang C. Donn,Jynq-Yang Chang , “Energy Gap for BaTiO3” , 2000 , Photonics Taiwan 2000 , 2000 /7 /26 ~ 2000 /7 /29 .
  15. S.Y. Chiang , M.T. Chen , Y.J. Huang , S.C. Donn and J.Y. Chang , “An Estimation of Shallow Energy Level Location in BaTiO3” , 2000 , SPIE Taiwan2000 , 2000 ~ 2000 .
  16. H.S. Chang, I.W. Kuo, U.L. Juh, S.Y. Chiang and S.C. Donn , “Solving Photorefractive Equations of Kukhtarev using Finite Element Method” , 2000 , Annual Sympoium of the Physics Society , 2000 ~ 2000 .
  17. Hsiang T. Chen , “Wavelength Multiplexed Reflection Holograms in Linbo3 Using a Narrowband Dye Laser Light Source” , 1999 , OpticsandPhotonicsTaiwan’99 , 1999 ~ 1999 .
  18. C. C. Sun, C. C. Tu, M. C. Chen, Shoang C. Donn , “A Quantitative Measurement for the Modulation of Photorefractive Index Gratings” , 1999 , OpticsandPhotonicsTaiwan’99 , 1999 ~ 1999 .
  19. Hsiang T. Chen , “Precise Measurement for the Amplitude of Photorefractive Index Gratings” , 1999 , Photorefractive Fiber and Crystal devices: Materials, Optical Properties and Applications V, 1999’s Annual Meeting of the International Society for Optical Engineering , 1999 ~ 1999 .
  20. Shong-hu. Donn , “Dynamic Filter in the Spatial-frequency Domain of Photorefractive Crystals” , 1997 , Waseda International Symposium Conference,Waseda University , 1997 ~ 1997 .
  21. Shoang C. Donn,K. C. Huang,Y. C. Huang,Y. L. Juh,Ching-Cherng Sun , “Real-time Spatial-frequency Filtering for the Gratings formed via Two-Wave Mixing” , 1997 , Proc. SPIE , 1997 /7 /9 ~ 1997 /7 /10 .
  22. Shong-hu. Donn , “光柵震動對雙波長混合之影響” , 1996 , 台灣光電科技研討會 , 1996 ~ 1996 .
  23. Shong-hu. Donn , “光柵多工全像儲存之研究” , 1996 , 台灣光電科技研討會 , 1996 ~ 1996 .
  24. Shong-hu. Donn , “Uses of in-Service Monitoring Information to Estimate Customer Service Quality” , 1989 , IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference , 1989 ~ 1989 .
  25. Shong-hu. Donn , “Exciton Dynamics in Terbium Hydroxide” , 1987 , Southern Sec. of American Physical Society,Blacksburg,VA , 1987 ~ 1987 .
  26. Shong-hu. Donn , “A presentation addressing the traffic merging for service signals in the network” , 1986 , AT and T Symposium on Statistics , 1986 ~ 1986 .
  27. Shong-hu. Donn , “Dynamics of Narrowband Exciton in Terbium Hydroxide” , 1979 , 2nd Conference on,Processes in the Excited State of Ions and Molecules,Madison,WI , 2004 ~ 2004 .


  1. Cheng-Fu Chen; Chien-Chou Chen; Yu-Fong Tseng , “Mehtod for determining the dynamic range of volume holographic memories” , 2012 , 中華民國 台灣 , US 8,111,404 B2 (2012.2) .


  1. 陳相甫 , “光折變相位光柵振幅及其物理參數之測量” , 2002 .
  2. 陳相村 , “光折變相位光柵振幅之精確測量” , 2000 .